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Color LIFE Sound
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Color LIFE Sound Game-field

Color LIFE Sound adds 3D-Tone to the graphic output of the generations !


The listener is past-led by means of 3D-Tone at the sounds bumped into in the middle of a virtual area. On this occasion, the location in the depth is derived from the color-index of the cell of the output-picture.

If no cell exists, the listener can remain at his position or move itself into the area-middle, to the front, behind or at an optional position.

With the sound-output, you can select under six output-modes and the sound-bar is put in. Each output-mode normally includes the biggest common rectangle of the generation, can however also be restricted only on the cell-pattern.

Only the visible generation-share is moved after its calculation and output to the Color LIFE Sound window in listener-positions. This is valid also for a cell-diameter smaller than one.

The sounds-dialog makes possible the sound-output. 24 sounds are selected individually or simultaneously and are played in dependence on the represented generation. On this occasion, the output-mode, area-depth and the bar can be varied.

With the Tone Graphics-dialog can be done the course of the tone-output graphically visible. The positions of the sounds and the listener are also passed out into this dialog-window. Hereby, the put in sound-bar decreases on the basis of the to this necessary output-time.

The size of the virtual sound-area is the window-size of Color LIFE Sound in xy-direction and in z-direction the vertical window-size in each case multiplies with an area-factor. The area-factor calculates itself from the value of the Edit field „Area size“ (0 to 99) multiplies with area-size / 10 + 1 and can assume such a value from 0 to 1079.

The listener-position results in xy-direction from the cell-position and in z-direction from the color-index of the cell (0-255) multiplied with the area-depth and divided through the maximum color-index 255 again.

Important hint: the cell-color-index and consequently the z-position of the listener is not dependent on the selected color-palette but is only influenced beside the arithmetic-rule by the attitudes of the colors-dialog.

Much fun as visual listener!


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