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General Business-Conditions of jk-ware, Manager Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Jakob

§ 1 Covenanter

Your covenanter is

jk-ware, Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Jakob
Kuhstr. 1
D-37627 Stadtoldendorf

E-Mail: info@jk-ware.de  Tel.: 0(49)5532 / 509386

§ 2 Validity of the contract-conditions

  1. The performances of jk-ware are offered in the framework of the following
    business-conditions exclusively.

  2. Customers in the sense of the business-conditions are consumers or entrepreneurs.
    Consumers are natural persons with those get in touch in business-relationship
    without an industrial or independent vocational activity being able to include
    these with reference to the business-relationships with jk-ware.
    Entrepreneurs in the sense of these business-conditions are natural or legal
    persons or right-capable societies, with whom jk-ware steps in business-relationship,
    that deals in exercise of their industrial or independent vocational activity.

  3. Deviations of these contract-conditions are only effective if these of jk-ware
    are confirmed in writing. General business-conditions of a customer are not

§ 3 Contract-graduation

  1. By ordering a product the customer declares binding want to purchase the goods.
    jk-ware is justifiable the in the order lying contract-offer to assume within 10 days after entrance to jk-ware.

  2. In contract between jk-ware and the customer comes about through the assumption
    by means of written confirmation of order, also through e-mail, or with the
    delivery of the product through jk-ware.

§ 4 Shipment of the products (not electronic)

A delivery into the foreign countries is offered only in electronic way (Internet).

§ 5 Electronic software-shipping via the Internet

  1. The agreements done on the respective download-Website are valid.

  2. After the shipping there is no more return-right. It consists a widened option in the
    case of data-loss or faulty data-transfer after the acquisition and first download
    of the software of four weeks in form of a free download-link however.

§ 6 Software-usufructs

  1. Binding is the newest stand of the End-User-License-Agreement (EULA) of jk-ware.

  2. If a program-package contains no one or an obsolete EULA, for example with older
    software-versions, the above newest stand of the End-User-License-Agreement is
    for this late binding.

  3. Will be jk-ware program-contents directly or indirectly in form of pictures, logos,
    decoration posters, transparencies or other data carriers to advertising-purposes used,
    the originator has to take care of it that on all advertising-bearers named above a clear
    link to the Website of jk-ware (www.jk-ware.de or www.powerxgames.de) is inflict
    (prior agreement is commendable).

  4. All referrals on test-software of jk-ware (download-links) in the internet, has to
    inflicted in immediate proximity another referral to the website of jk-ware
    (www.jk-ware.de or www.powerxgames.de).

§ 7 Prices and Terms

The offered purchase-price is binding. In the purchase-price, no sales tax is contained
at the time.

§ 8 Final Regulations

  1. It is valid German right under exclusion of the UN-purchase-right.

  2. Legally responsible is that for the business-seat of jk-ware responsible court.

  3. The inefficiency of individual regulations of these general business-conditions or the
    purchase-contract doesn't touch the effectiveness of the remaining regulations.
    At position of that quite or partially ineffective regulations tread the lawful

Stadtoldendorf, in November 2021

General Business-Conditions of jk-ware as printable PDF-file

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™ Windows, Windows CE, DirectX, DirectSound, DirectDraw, Direct3D, PowerPoint, Visual C++/C# and .Net Framework are either registered brands or brands of the Microsoft Corporation.

Copyright © jk-ware, Dipl.-Ing. R. Jakob, Date: Dezember 03, 2024
The following links and their contents do not belong to the sphere of responsibility of jk-ware, Dipl.-Ing. R. Jakob:

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